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It is 2112AD, and humans are ready to travel away from Earth in search of another planet that can become a second home. An Earth-like planet, Kepler 1649C, is chosen. As they approach the planet in their ship, full of humans from all countries and walks of life, it becomes apparent that there is life already on Kepler 1649C. Numerous plants and other alien foliage are seen growing there, and there is even the possibility of higher life forms (though none were seen initially).  However, Kepler 1649C is not a hospitable place for humans as the atmosphere is not breathable. To make it habitable for humans, it must be terraformed into a more Earth-like atmosphere. Though there was some initial pushback by certain human colonists to do so, the decision by the leaders is ultimately made and the terraformation of Kepler 1649C begins.

Unknown to the humans above ground, living underneath the planet’s surface is an advanced alien bioluminescent race. This race has found balance in the world they live on. Life on Kepler 1649C is in perfect harmonious balance and there is no need for one race to take over or kill any other living creature for space or for any other reasons. A group of these aliens (The Synod of the race) helps to oversee their peaceful world’s existence. There is no conflict or fighting of any kind - it is not needed here. As the terraformation by the humans on the surface begins, the local plant life, and in fact the entire planet, begins to die. The underground alien race quickly learns that life beyond their planet is aggressive and not balanced - at least, that is what they learn from meeting the human race.The aliens of Kepler 1649C are forced to respond. First, they use their technology to metamorph one of their own leaders into a being that closely physically resembles a human (a female “Replicant”). They also create a statue of the Replicant and leave it on the surface of their planet for the humans to see. The alien replicant is then sent to Earth in a ship. Kepler1649C begins to revert back to its original form, though it is not clear why this is. Consequently, the human colonies aboveground begins to fall apart. Tornados, planet quakes, and other strong weather phenomena begin to take over on the surface, making the planet again inhospitable to humans. Meanwhile, the Replicant’s ship enters the Earth’s atmosphere with unknown intent.

ENCOUNTER is the first of a planned triolgy of EP's planned for release.



Watch the Entire 5-Part Video Story Here!

Encounter Video Playlist

Encounter Video Playlist

Encounter Video Playlist
Termination Shock (Official Music Video) - Sandro Cuzzetto

Termination Shock (Official Music Video) - Sandro Cuzzetto

Play Video
Encounter (Official Music Video) - Sandro Cuzzetto

Encounter (Official Music Video) - Sandro Cuzzetto

Play Video
The Synod (Official Music Video)

The Synod (Official Music Video)

Play Video

From Sonic Atmosphere

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